'Unmasking to seek the original' might ' sound' absurd but it doesn't ' work' to be that absurd. How is the originality defined? Does originality compel difference? Should the ads not be repeated to be called original? No idea could be an independently evolved one with no ties to existing. The very base of the emergence of any idea is the pre-formed mindset framed by exposure to various existing ones. This would settle as an inspiration of the existing ideas to help in understanding of the current scenario in the society. We see, we register, we analyze and then we respond to things in the form of marketing. A product of these, the idea, is by any means 99.6% 'independent' where the credit of the dependent 0.4% go for the 4 points mentioned. Nevertheless the idea is original. The originality not at an entirety but with the degree of independency of the idea. The actual 'originality' depends on the transparency of the advertiseme...
Thoughts are omnipresent. My thoughts are the transfiguration of perception over every detail across Art, Architecture, Construction, Psychology and Social expression. SCROLL and UNWIND.