Hello 2020! It's time for an actually HAPPY new year. But, how happy is it? We all know it the new year traditions are extremely high-held and everyone is just spelled with it. But arriving the next day like today, the second of Jan, the vibe is washed away. But why? Why can't we be happy for the entire year? Here's a quick look into how SELF-APPRECIATION can make it happen. Having taken up studies in Psychology, I'm in quest for originality more than ever. During my quest, I stumbled upon self-appreciation, a 'habit' that has the capability of turning into a 'quality' . My 2019 has been a pot-pourri of life, career and inner-seeking, that required a great deal of confidence in myself at every step. At every such step, it is the 'Appreciation' from the near-and-dear that held the pieces of my mind together. That is when I realised the value of even the smallest dose of appreciation that had the power to push . This coupled with an equal...
Thoughts are omnipresent. My thoughts are the transfiguration of perception over every detail across Art, Architecture, Construction, Psychology and Social expression. SCROLL and UNWIND.