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Landscape and their 'root' to life

The users for any space encompass all the living species that ‘use’ the space. It extends across all sizable living species- from giant humans to the small birds & animals that are a part of the living ecosystem. The designed spaces must respond to all the users in an equal manner that would in turn reflect on the livability of the space.

Along with built structures, landscaping that serve as the ‘dwelling’ for the other species improves the universal response of the building. Inclusion of landscape, along with improving the micro climate of the space, reincorporates the native flora and fauna over the built environment to maintain the ‘natural state’ of the zone in context.

     Moore House by Alfredo De Vido

Architect Alfredo De Vido’s work such as The Moore house at Connecticut, has its base idea emerging from the motto that the built environment must compensate for the trees that were cleared during the construction. The construction was carried out in a sustainable way that gave way for the posts & beams to be made from the oak trees that were cleared at the site, and the green roof cover to compensate for the oxygen content in the zone (that would otherwise be provided by the existing trees). The main idea was to retain the atmospheric state at the wild location amidst the construction. Thus the natural cycle at the place is left unaltered. (or minimally altered)

The views from living room at Moore House

A Day scene at the Moore house, Sharon, Connecticut by Architect Alfredo Di Vido

This ensures that the building still enjoys the fresh air of the woods with the natural beams of sunlight hitting the birds chirping from their nests- The scenic ambience that was present the first time the site was seen.

Contrastingly when the Concrete jungle takes over the actual jungle and fails to respond to all the living species, there occurs a shift in the natural cycle that leads to migration of species in itself. For example, when trees are completely cleared, the birds lose their dwelling and migrate to other zones. This in turn affects the development of new flora since the bird & insect pollination will be affected and breeding is stopped. Even the small underground species such as bacteria & micro organisms that feed on the minerals of the plant would become ineffective in maintaining the fertility of the soil.

When architectural solutions come into picture, it must thus ensure that the migration is prevented and a buffer is created for the species to adapt to the new state of the environment.

Birds flying in Amber Fort, Rajasthan

Amber Fort, Rajasthan                                                                                                                

Parts of Rajasthan that are till date the best for bird-sighting, due to the traditional architectural style that had natural finishes & open design that blended with outdoors to become bird-friendly.

Thus, landscaping around the buildings must involve factors both at micro and macro level to ensure the healthy functioning of the environment.

Amidst the recent architectural solutions and their attempt to ‘save the environment’ through general landscaping, the ‘natural state’ is not restored to the maximum.

Considering the scenario of recent cyclones across India, it is found that the maximum damage occurred due to the poor distribution of tree cover that naturally acts as a physical barrier against the cyclones.

Furthermore, the tree cover that existed as landscaping around the built city environment were consisting of the ‘non-native’ plant species that were not adapted to harsh environmental conditions such as the cyclones. The landscape involving aesthetic exotic plant species has its roots spreading to the surface soil level while the native trees of the soil were deep rooted. The harsh environmental conditions would take away the surface soil features, while the deep rooted native plant species that has adapted to the site conditions over years, would prove effective is staying still. Moreover, the dense distribution of such strong species provides a strong tree cover that would reduce the intensity of cyclone by the time it reaches the occupied zones of the land.

Trees blown by storm winds

The native palm trees are known to withstand the cyclones brought by South West monsoon in India.

The architectural solutions that are provided with the land development must take into consideration the actual environmental conditions along with the predictions over climatic changes to rightly let the newly developed built fabric ‘adapt’ to the environment.

A healthy functioning of an environment thus relies on the coexistence of all the species with the landscape spreading its roots to all life forms both above and below earth.

- Akshaya Muralikumar

  An article for Re-thinking The Future magazine


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