“It is neither the strongest of the species that survives nor the most intelligent that survives. It is the one that is the most adaptable to the change.” –Charles Darwin, The father of evolution
The theory of evolution applies not only to any living species, but to the space upon which it lives. Dwelling, the place where these lives reside is everything from the nest of a bird to the Palace of a king. These are built from the nature, upon nature and with the nature giving a new picturesque to the surrounding. These shelters are thus born; ready to adapt, for it to survive in the nature. They grow along with the nature, undergoing all the changes that come by the passage of time.The birth and death of these are governed by architectural principles of the coming era. While certain principles help the growth, some work against it, making the survival difficult.As Le Corbusier has the personification of the Chandigarh city plan to a human body, every single built environment has a life, needs air to breathe and energy production to live. When architectural principles work against the nature, the building suffocates, pressures the lives that dwell inside it and puts the survival of the entire community in danger. Cities being the larger integrated unit of these communities, put the risk at a larger scale, all in the end affecting the individual. Issues become paradox.Bringing the change in the basic unit (Dwelling) reflects upon the integrated unit (City). The Architects of today have the responsibility of giving life to every unit they handle and help it ADAPT and SURVIVE. The commercial barriers and strategies need to be overlooked by strong futuristic architectural ideologies that would pave ways towards urban Utopia.
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